Education Programs

Who Should Schedule A Program?

Ambassador possum Stu wearing a fun blue party hat

(In my humble opinion.)

Learning about our native, and often misunderstood, wildlife benefits everyone, especially the wildlife!

Garden Clubs - learn how possums help you in the garden.
Community groups/HOAs - learn why possums aren't to be feared and what to do if you find one.
Schools - our programs can be adjusted based on age and they meet the SOPs for natural history and life sciences!
Scout Troops - get your possum badge! (IS there a possum badge?)
Retail businesses - Let us help you attract new folks to your store (The Ambassadors draw a crowd)
Companies/Employers - Liven up boring staff meetings by giving your employees the gift of education (and possums!).
Parties/Gatherings - Invite one of the Ambassadors to your next social gathering and let your guests experience the awesomeness of possum-ness.
Nothing says "party" like a possum!

Ready to Schedule? Click here!

What's Included in a Program?

During a one hour program you will learn about:
 * The natural history of the Virginia opossum
* Their "super powers"
* Where they live and what they eat
* How they help the environment
* How YOU can help opossums
There is always time for questions and interaction with the Ambassador.

 Are you an educator? Our programs meet the SOLs for Natural History and Life Sciences! Programs can be adjusted based on age and grade levels.

Ready to schedule a program? Click here.

Wildlife rehabilitator Karen Brace holding a possum surrounded by a group of children
Karen holding a possum wearing a Halloween costume surrounded by children wearing costumes

Program Fees

We charge a program fee of $175 for one hour of quality Ambassador time within a 60 mile radius of Fredericksburg, VA.

To make the most of your program time, we suggest small groups of 40-50 people. Smaller groups allow for plenty of time for questions.

Why We Charge for Programs

Having an education animal is a big expense!

* Each ambassador requires his or her own, large enclosure and these enclosures require maintenance and materials.
* There are state and federal licensing fees.
* The Ambassadors need routine veterinary care to keep them healthy.
* The Ambassadors need vitamins and supplements to keep their bones strong and bodies in fine opossum form.
* They eat A LOT!
* They need enrichment items and things to keep them busy.
* The Ambassadors need treats and special snacks to reward them for being a good and for helping to teach people about their species.
* Program fees also cover gas and wear and tear on the Ambassador-transportation device (i.e my truck).

Ready to schedule a program? Click here.

What the Fans Are Saying

"Everyone loved Karen and Stuart! Karen is incredibly kind, enthusiastic, and fun to work with! From first meeting to discussing learning objectives, scheduling, and interacting with teachers and kids, Karen was always positive and helpful. As soon as she and Stuart entered the school, everyone wanted to get to know them, and they brought joy to even the initially hesitant! Stuart captured attention as Karen answered questions and shared her extensive knowledge and passion for possums (and other animals). What a fun and memorable way to learn about physical and behavioral adaptations, habitats, diet, interactions with other animals and people, and more! We hope Karen and Stuart can come back soon!"

Laura, 3rd Grade Teacher,
Harrison Road Elementary School, Fbrg, VA

"Stuart and Karen were delightful accompaniments to our Girl Scout Weekend at Friends of the Rappahannock! The girls' GS journey involved learning about habitats. Karen delivered an informative and entertaining talk about Stuart and opossums as Stuart climbed all over Karen. The girls ​(and FOR environmental educators) were captivated!"

Nancy Stalik
Friends of the Rappahannock

"Ms. Karen Brace traveled quite a distance to give the Active Senior Adults at the Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia a wonderful presentation about Stuart the Opossum - who came along and was adorable! The audience loved learning about opossums - the presentation was educational, interesting and much fun!It was obvious from the start that Ms. Brace is very dedicated to her work of animal rehabilitation and educational programming. It was a pleasure to have her give us this program and I would HIGHLY recommend she bring her presentation to other groups both young and old. Thank you Ms. Brace so very much for a wonderful few hours and say hi to cutie Stuart!!!"

Michele Endick, Lead Adult Group Coordinator
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia

Karen holding a possum surrounded by Santa Clause and family
group of children petting a possum being held by program educator
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